Wrecked is book three in the Dirty Air series (previous reviews found here), and it is just as good as Throttled and Collided.
Jax Kingston is trouble—and he is in big trouble. The combination of pills and booze has caused him to spiral out of control and publicly embarrass himself and his team. And that's where Elena comes in, a PR specialist hired to babysit him and stop him from ending up in the tabloids once more. Understandably Jax is not too happy about this, and he and Elena get off to one hell of a rocky start.
The sparks between them are undeniable—but they both have their own respective damage to contend with, and Elena really, really can't afford to lose this job. I loved watching them slowly grow from not being able to stand each other to genuinely falling in love. Sometimes I wanted to shake Jax, but I really did understand his conflict and empathise with him even when I didn't agree with his choices. His efforts to help Elena, even when he didn't know what was going on with her, were so sweet and really did show that this bad boy is all squishy inside.
But more than the romance, family is at the heart of Jax and Elena's story. Both of them are so family-orientated, and I loved hearing about Elena's parents and meeting Jax's. The way they welcomed Elena in, even before she and Jax were actually a thing was so lovely, and exactly what she needed. her friendship with Elias is also wonderful (petition for Elias to get his own romance please, maybe some hot pit crew member, I'm just saying) and I found it hilarious how Jax got until he realised Elias is very, very gay.
There's absolutely nothing I can say against Wrecked. Asher handles mental and chronic illnesses beautifully, and my heart absolutely went out to Elena, Jax, and his parents. Truth be told, it made me cry at moments, which isn't a common occurrence!
Final Verdict: Beautifully heartwarming, spicy and sweet, Wrecked is a brilliant take on mental and hereditary illness set against the world of Formula One. 🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯/5 honeypots!